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Kentucky Christian University

Kentucky Christian

Admission Requirements: Teacher Education Program (Stage II)

General Requirements

The Applicant must:

  • Be enrolled at Kentucky Christian University.
  • Submit a formal application for admission to the Keeran School of Education.
  • Have on file in the Keeran School of Education a signed and dated Verification of Federal Background Check from the district where the candidate will be placed for clinical field experience and a Child Abuse and Neglect Check.  These reports must not show any convictions that would disallow the candidate from serving as an employee in the school district.
  • Keep the address, phone number, level of certification, area of specialization, and other changeable information up to date in the Education Office.
  • Sign a declaration acknowledging awareness of information required for certification in the state of Kentucky and the completion of the Keeran School of Education program.
  • Successfully completed 60 college credit hours.

Knowledge Requirements:

  • Meet the required passing scores on the Praxis Core Academic Skills for Educators test in reading (156), writing (162), and mathematics (150) or the ACT with a composite score of 22 or the corresponding minimum scores: Reading – 20, English – 18, Math – 19. An applicant may use a combination of ACT and CASE minimum scores to meet the requirements.
  • Have a cumulative grade point average of 2.75 or higher or a 3.0-grade point average for the last 30 hours of completed coursework.
  • If an applicant has a minimum cumulative grade point average of 3.00 on a 4.0 scale. The educator preparation provider may admit the applicant to an approved undergraduate certification educator preparation program if the applicant is within five points of one or more of the corresponding minimum scores on the CASE assessment only: Reading (5713) – 151, Writing (5723) – 157) and Math (5733) – 145.
  • Successfully complete each of the following courses with a course grade of “C” or better. English Composition I, English Composition II, Fundamentals of Speech, Intro to Education, Sophomore Practicum, and Intermediate Algebra (or higher).

Professional Requirements:

  • Have satisfactorily completed Stage I of Clinical Experience by completing all required field experience hours, including documenting contact with students from appropriate diverse demographic groups, for all 100, and 200 level education courses and entered the hours into the Kentucky Field Experience Tracking System (KFETS).
  • Review and sign a declaration to uphold the Professional Code of Ethics for Kentucky School Personnel defined in 704KAR20:680.
  • Agree to uphold the Model Code of Ethics for Educators (MCEE).
  • Demonstrate foundational knowledge of each of the Kentucky Teacher Performance/ InTASC Standards and 21st Century Skills by electronically submitting all required Key Assessments into Taskstream having received NO “ineffective” ratings.

Professional Dispositions:

  • Have a signed statement indicating understanding and commitment to developing the expected professional dispositions.
  • Be evaluated in educational foundation courses and by a minimum of 3 faculty/staff members outside of the education department. For any areas scored 1-ineffective, the candidate will develop/ implement a “success plan” as verified by the Dean of the Keeran School of Education
  • Demonstrate appropriate characteristics of a preservice teacher by receiving a NO Level 1(ineffective) rating on each section of the interview reflection and reporting document completed by the Teacher Education Advisory Council members

Final Requirements:

  • Receive a positive final recommendation on the Recommendation for Admission to the Undergraduate Teacher Education Program.  An education faculty member, a content faculty member, and a P-12 teacher must cooperatively complete this evaluation.

Criteria for admission to any undergraduate teacher education program is subject to institutional and state requirement changes.

General Requirements

The Candidate must:

  • Continue to meet all requirements for admission to the Teacher Education Program.
  • Have a minimum overall grade point average of 2.75 based on all work completed.
  • Submit a formal application for admission to the Keeran School of Education Teacher Candidacy Program during the Spring semester of the academic year prior to the year he/she intends to student teach.
  • Submit a completed and signed character and fitness questionnaire contained in section III of the CA-1.
  • Have on file in the Keeran School of Education a signed and dated Verification of Federal Background Check from the district where the candidate will be placed for Clinical I and Clinical II and a Child Abuse and Neglect Check. These reports must not show any convictions that
    would disallow the candidate from serving as an employee in the school district. The district will decide if the candidate’s background check is appropriate for placement in the district for Clinical I and Clinical II (This is completed before admission to the teacher education program).
  • Sign the KSE Code of Ethics.
  • Successfully pass a medical physical examination.
  • Successfully complete Restraint Training.
  • Keep address, phone number, level of certification, area of specialization, and other changeable information including any criminal status changed up to date in the Education Office.
  • The candidate must present evidence of liability insurance by presenting current membership in an organization that provides insurance.
  • Successfully complete 80 college credit hours.
  • Submission of a valid and current record of a medical examination.
  • Be formally approved for admission to the Teacher Candidacy Program by the Teacher Education Committee.


General Knowledge

  • Have completed all required courses in general knowledge with a minimum, non-rounded GPA of 2.75 (All completed coursework must be on file in the Registrar’s Office).


Specialization Knowledge

  • Have completed with a minimum, non-rounded GPA of 2.75 and no grade lower than a “C” for all required courses in specialization knowledge (All completed coursework must be on file in the Registrar’s Office).


Professional Knowledge

  • Have completed all the prerequisite education courses with a minimum, non-rounded GPA of 2.75 and no grade lower than a “C.”
  • Have completed 75% of the course requirements in each specialization component or teaching field.
  • Have taken Praxis Principles of Learning and Teaching Test(s) and all other Praxis Licensure exam(s) required for the program of study in which the candidate is seeking certification and either received a passing score or has developed and signed a success plan for remediation of the content.
  • Demonstrate appropriate knowledge and characteristics of a preservice teacher by receiving no Level 1(Ineffective) rating on each Key Assessment section that includes professionalism, critical thinking, communication, creativity, collaboration, diversity, research, personal growth, and reflection.
  • Have completed all required clock hours (over 200) of field experiences and entered the hours into the Kentucky Field Experience Tracking System (KFETS).  The University Supervisor will verify hours before admission to Teacher Candidacy.  These hours must occur in a variety of primary through grade 12 school settings which allow the candidate to participate in the following:
    • Engagement with diverse populations of students which include: 1) students from a minimum of two different ethnic or cultural groups of which the candidate would not be considered a member; 2) students from different socioeconomic groups; 3) English Language learners; 4) students with disabilities; and 5) students from across the elementary, middle school, and secondary grades levels.
    • Observations in school and related agencies, including 1) family resource centers or 2) youth service centers.
    • Student tutoring.
    • Interaction with families of students.
    • Attendance at school board and school-based council meetings.
    • Participation in a school-based professional learning community; and
    • Opportunities to assist teachers or other school professionals.
  • Review and sign a declaration to uphold the Professional Code of Ethics for Kentucky School Personnel defined in 704KAR20:680.
  • Agree to uphold the Model Code of Ethics for Educators (MCEE).


Teacher Competencies

  • The candidate will successfully demonstrate understanding and application of the Kentucky Teacher Performance/ InTASC Standards and the Kentucky Framework for Teaching by scoring at the Developing level or above on all Key Assessments as documented in Taskstream. Assessments are based on the Kentucky Framework for Teaching and the Kentucky Teacher Performance Standards (InTASC).


Professional Dispositions

  • The candidate must score at a Level 2 (Developing) or higher on each of the expected dispositions identified on the Candidate Dispositions Inventory as determined by the University Supervisor, education faculty, and the cooperating teachers.

General Requirements

  • Continue to meet all requirements for admission to the Teacher Education Program.
  • Have a minimum overall grade point average of 2.75 based on all work completed.
  • Submit a formal application for admission to the Keeran School of Education Teacher Candidacy Program during the Spring semester of the academic year prior to the year he/she intends to student teach.
  • Submit a completed and signed character and fitness questionnaire contained in section III of the CA-1.
  • Have on file in the Keeran School of Education a signed and dated Verification of Federal Background Check from the district where the candidate will be placed for Clinical I and Clinical II and a Child Abuse and Neglect Check. These reports must not show any convictions that would disallow the candidate from serving as an employee in the school district. The district will decide if the candidate’s background check is appropriate for placement in the district for Clinical I and Clinical II (This is completed before admission to the teacher education program).
  • Sign the KSE Code of Ethics
  • Successfully pass a medical physical examination.
  • Successfully complete Restraint Training.
  • Keep address, phone number, level of certification, area of specialization, and other changeable information including any criminal status changed up to date in the Education Office.
  • The candidate must present evidence of liability insurance by presenting current membership in an organization that provides insurance.
  • Successfully complete 80 college credit hours.
  • Submission of a valid and current record of a medical examination.
  • Be formally approved for admission to the Teacher Candidacy Program by the Teacher Education Committee.

Christ-Centered Vision

“The Christ-centered vision of 网赌最好最大平台 both connected me with people whose influence has shaped me to this day and gave me a foundation in ministry-effectiveness for which I am extremely thankful.”

Kyle Davies, Class of 2013 & 2015

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